• What does it mean to be a professional?  In many contexts, the term professional means paid, in particular in the sporting world. A professional athlete is paid, an amateur is not.  Muhammad Ali (then Cassius Clay) won the light heavyweight gold medal in the 1960 Olympics as an amateur. In October of that same year, he…

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  • Today, Governor Cuomo signed bill A07552 / S4207a into law – Chapter 474 of the laws of 2019 – which increases the maximum allowable Defined Contribution (DC) benefit in New York State from $700 to $1,200. This does not impact those municipalities that sponsor a Defined Benefit (DB) plan – those benefits remain unchanged. For a…

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  • The answer to this question is very important to consider when making decisions about how to establish, administer and even improve a LOSAP.  Who’s it for? Clearly, the LOSAP is for the volunteers—to financially reward them for their service to the community. But it is also for that very community, as LOSAP is a frequent tool…

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  • A question came in about the following: A firefighter earned 50 points during the time he was an active member, but resigned before the end of the year. Should he be eligible to earn service credit and therefore a benefit? Before we address our opinion on this question, we need to be clear that this…

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  • In the last post we projected what a $1,200 contribution would grow to at age 65 and at age 60 using various interest rates and various ages at the time the contribution was earned. Using that projected value, we then determined how many years a $20 distribution could be paid from that amount. For many…

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  • In the last post, we settled on 4.5% as an assumed rate of return when projecting the DC account balances. However I decided it was just as easy to perform the calculations at 4.00%, 4.50% and 5.00%, therefore giving some more options. Below you will see two charts. The first chart assumes and Entitlement Age…

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  • In our last post we decided that we would compare the DB and DC plans at entitlement age. In order to make that comparison, we’ll need to make some assumptions about the rate of return on the program investments and how long someone will generally live to collect monthly benefits. First we’ll look at the…

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  • Trying to compare the DB and DC plans is exactly like the old saying of trying to compare apples to oranges. Just like fruit, part of the decision making process in selecting which type of plan is better comes down to preference and taste – not something that can be analyzed. But, the analysis is…

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  • We fully expect the Governor to sign the bill to increase the defined contribution (DC) amount from $700 to $1,200 into law at some point before the end of the year. For the sake of many fire districts that would like to amend the program at the upcoming commissioner election in December, we hope it…

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  • Bill A 7552 / S 4207-A has passed the Assembly and Senate. This bill increases the Defined Contribution service award from $700 to $1,200. Now, we wait for the Governor to sign it into law.   When the law was amended to increase the contribution from $480 to $700, the Governor had not signed the bill into…

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