Category: All

  • The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines vesting as follows:  the conveying to an employee of inalienable rights to money contributed by an employer to a pension fund or retirement plan especially in the event of termination of employment prior to the normal retirement age The term “vest” or “vesting” does not appear in Article 11-A. Instead, it…

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  • We were asked recently about officer positions, and eligibility of points. In this particular fire department, there are five fire companies. In addition, there is a “rescue squad”, the membership of which is comprised of members of the five fire companies. The rescue squad is responsible for rescue operations – cutting cars, and similar type…

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  • A short one today (pun intended)…. A question came in regarding a “mini-drill” – meaning, a drill that is less than two hours. The two-hour requirement is in the statute, which is written as follows: Drills—twenty points maximum. One point per drill (minimum two hour drill). Therefore, in order for the skills practice event to…

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  • We recently received the following question: A member is an employee for a municipal EMS entity and attends that entity’s EMS related training courses of 4 to 8 hours each and receives an acceptable certificate of completion. The employee is paid while taking the course by the employer. The member then submits the certificates with a…

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  • A question came in today about points for serving as a convention delegate. Here is the applicable section of § 217: There are several things to note about sub-section (B): ​1) The active volunteer firefighter must be elected. The statute doesn’t state how that election takes place, but presumably the membership of the company would elect the…

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  • Yesterday we looked at how to round properly to ensure the software is determining the correct number of calls a volunteer must respond to earn 25 points. Today, we’ll focus on how to actually read the chart. As a reminder, here is the chart from the state law: I added the horizontal lines for readability.…

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  • Under the New York State LOSAP Point System, a volunteer earns 25 points for attending a minimum percentage of the total fire calls for the year. Depending on the services provided by the fire department, it may also be possible for a volunteer to earn another 25 points for attending a minimum percentage of ambulance…

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  • A frequent question I’ve received over the years is about making changes to the points and service credit after the 30-day posting period is complete. You know the story – someone doesn’t pay attention to the posted points and then when the person receives their participant statements, notices he/she was not credited with 50 points…

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  • New York State Law requires that after the municipal board approves the certified list of firefighters that have qualified for service credit during the previous year, the list must be returned to the fire company to be posted for at least 30 days for review by members. During the 30-day period, a firefighter who was…

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  • On Friday we tackled the concept that in New York State, the municipal sponsor must approve the annual listing of firefighters that earned service credit (50 points) during the year. This brings us to one of the more frequently misunderstood portions the statute. Here is §219-a(d) of the New York State General Municipal Law: ​(d) The…

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