The bill we have been tracking since the end of April was signed into law today as Chapter 113 of the Laws of 2020.

​This bill will allow municipal sponsors to award up to five (5) points for each complete month during which fire department activities were cancelled or special response protocols were in place limiting certain volunteers from responding to calls as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. More information on the bill can be accessed from the bottom of this post.

To award these points, the municipal sponsor must adopt a resolution by April 30, 2021.

Clients of Firefly Admin have been provided with a draft resolution as well as additional information and insight to consider before adopting the resolution. If you represent a municipality that does not currently work with Firefly Admin and would like help drafting the resolution or have any questions about the bill, please contact us.

Senate Version – S8251B

Assembly Version – A10438A