In the New York State LOSAP Point System, the department responses category stipulates that calls should be broken into two categories – emergency rescue and first aid squad (ambulance) calls and “all other” calls. 

A question was raised about if calls be split into the categories, and if so, how.

In this post, we’ll handle the “if” question.

Since the statute includes the terms “ambulance” in the description, it would seem that calls should be divided into categories only if the fire department runs an ambulance operation. However, after reviewing many State Comptroller audit reports, it would appear that the State would prefer that calls be split into categories if the Fire Department operates an emergency rescue and first aid squad, even if that squad does not provide ambulance transport. That said, the State appears to only “require” (we use that word lightly) that calls be categorized if the fire department does operate an ambulance. Otherwise, if there is no ambulance operation then the sponsor is able to choose if it wants to lump all calls together or categorize them.

In summary – if your department operates and ambulance, then split calls. If not, it is up to you, but the State seems to prefer that calls be categorized if you have a duly organized emergency rescue and first aid squad.