Something else we see an awful lot really just comes down to paying attention! Have you had a significant life event – marriage, child(ren) born, divorce or parents die? All of these events could impact your beneficiary designation. In particular, if you get divorced, you should immediately update your beneficiary. Even if you want to…
Another common mistake that people make when designating a beneficiary is to directly name a minor child. The volunteer’s desire to have a death benefit paid to a minor child is not the mistake at all – it is a fine idea to want to leave something to a child, niece, nephew or grandchild (for…
In the last post we discussed the importance of designating a beneficiary. If you have completed a beneficiary designation form – great! However, there are still some common mistakes we have seen over the years that must be avoided. Even if you have completed a form, you may want to review that designation. One mistake we…
One of the main purposes of a LOSAP is to reward those who volunteer their time at the local fire department or ambulance. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this means paying the volunteer when he/she reaches the age of entitlement. However, a provision must be made in the event a volunteer dies before reaching…
Yesterday a question came in about the March 31st deadline in the New York State law. I thought it would be worth clarifying here again. The NY State General Municipal Law requires that the fire company submit the list of members of the fire company identifying those volunteers that earned 50 points during the calendar year to…
To a lot of you, this may sound obvious and not new information. However, we have run across several situations here in NY State where the LOSAP points were being tracked based on another period and not a calendar year. I’ve run into it before in Villages, which typically run on a 6/1 to 5/31…
The General Municipal Law defines a Defined Benefit Plan and Defined Contribution Plan as follows: 2.“Defined benefit plan” means any service award program that provides to eligible volunteer firefighters, a benefit that is definitely determinable under the program without reference to the amount contributed to the program on the participant’s behalf or to any income,…
Memory is a funny thing. Someone can be really good at memorizing facts and recalling those facts. But memory of an event that happens in real time is completely different, and very hard to recall with 100% accuracy. Two or more people can be at the very same event, and remember that event very differently. …
An interesting question was posed to me today – can a volunteer who participates in a one-person drill be awarded a point under the drill category? My initial reaction was no – there is no such thing as a one-person drill. But then I stopped to think about it. Article 11-A doesn’t define a drill.…
A year or two ago I attended some training given by Krieger Solutions. The training was called “Communicating to Connect”, and in the training we learned how to understand our own communication style and how others communicate. By having this understanding, we are then able to more effectively communicate with one another. It was a…