The recently released report on the Office of the State Comptroller audit of the Jamesport Fire District (you can download it below) has the following to say regarding signing others in for activities:

120 points were supported by attendance records where the member did
not sign themselves in. Instead, the members were marked as present by
someone else who initialed the sheet or signed the member in as present.
For example, on August 8, 2016 a company meeting sign-in sheet indicated
12 members were present for the meeting. However, only one of the 12
individuals signed in. The remaining 11 individuals had their last name
hand printed on the sheet with the initials of the individual signing them in
as present next to the printed name. The Secretary agreed that members
signing each other in for activities does happen. As a result, District officials
do not have adequate assurance that the members were actually present at
the activities they are signed in for.

Fourteen points were supported by manual attendance records where
the members did not sign themselves in. Instead, they were signed in as
present by someone else who initialed the sheet or signed the member in as
present. For example, on February 28, 2017 an event sign-in sheet indicates
eight members were present. However, only two of the eight individuals
signed themselves in. The remaining six individuals have their last name
hand printed on the sheet with the initials of the individuals signing them in
as present next to the printed name. The Secretary agreed that members
signing each other in for activities does happen. As a result, District officials
do not have adequate assurance that the members were actually present at
the activities they are signed in for.

What Do We Recommend?
The Board should:
1. Review and amend the District’s policy and point system, as appropriate,
to ensure conformity with GML.
District officials should:
2. Ensure LOSAP points are awarded in accordance with the District’s policy and GML.
3. Appropriately adjust certain members’ LOSAP credits to accurately reflect their credits earned.
4. Ensure that all points earned are accurately recorded and that sufficient records of the activities are maintained.
5. Discontinue the practice of allowing members to sign in for each other at training or other qualifying events.

Clearly, the State believes that members should not sign each other in. In general, most would agree that everyone should sign themselves into the activity, and the practice of having a chief or other officer sign a person in should be avoided. If it absolutely has to happen, it would be better if two officers vouched for the person.

Keep in mind, although this audit was focused on LOSAP, there are other reasons, in particular workers’ comp coverage and benefits, why the individual should sign in himself/herself. 

Access the OSC Jamesport Audit here