The answer to this question is very important to consider when making decisions about how to establish, administer and even improve a LOSAP. 

Who’s it for? Clearly, the LOSAP is for the volunteers—to financially reward them for their service to the community. But it is also for that very community, as LOSAP is a frequent tool used to help recruit and retain volunteer firefighters able to respond to emergencies.

What’s it for? The answer to this question can help a municipality and fire department prioritize the goals of establishing or changing the LOSAP, and evaluate if the LOSAP is meeting those goals. Such as:

  • Compensate volunteers for their service.
  • Provide a retirement benefit.
  • Provide a death or disability benefit.
  • Motivate volunteers to attend certain activities or hold offices.
  • Encourage volunteers to stay active longer.
  • Recruit new members.

The way these are prioritized should help guide decisions. For example, most don’t consider the subtle differences between providing compensation and a retirement benefit. Those are different goals, and prioritizing one over the other could make a difference in how a plan is designed or administered. We encourage you to consider these “what’s it for” questions when thinking about future changes or decisions.